TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

mood   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

desire emotionally emotional emotion feeling frisson impulse juice passion reaction response sense sensibility sentiment thing

care cheerful equanimity spirit streak temper

air attention chi composure concentration convinced feel heart hunch idea intention interest life mind motive nerves nerve oneself purpose qi short something thought vitality wish

adoration inclination intentions need soul urge

affection confidence conscious courage craving expectation love mentally point sensation think

atmosphere attitude mentality predicament prospect

design fancy imagine knowledge question realization reflection time

impression picture scene

condition creature frame health mode plight position shape situation stage state term way welfare

little live rather slightly touch


appearance bearing behavior belief colors comportment fashion figure gesture intrinsic lead line look manner motion personality portance relationship stance style willingness

apostrophe beat cadence convey curve echo-like effect faculty key pace rate sort sound stroke tempo tone trend vein voice

ethos mania

airy atmospherics aura climate context edge environment flavor moment nature occasion persona scheme surrounding vibe

characteristic character compulsion habit idiosyncrasy pattern practice propensity reflex trait used

affair aspect avenue bit expression facet face field front page part phasis section side

about apparent appear behaviour indication layout seem sign that

Other Words Beginning with 'mood'

moodily moodiness
