TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

reflect   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

identify put revelation suggest

behold manifest show

accuse address add admit advise affirm agree air announce assure blurt call claim confess confide continue cry declare describe discuss divulge exclaim explain expression express give hint insist intone invite kind know liken like make mention muse note object observe phrase point proffer promise pronouncement propose read recite refer remark repeat replay reply report resume say sing snap sound speak swear talk tell think unburden urge volunteer warn

fill have

figure speculation


glance turn


acknowledge ascertain clued decide discover feel glom knowledge master occur perceive realize see sense take understand

accept anticipate anticipation apparently argue ask assume bear believe buy concerned concern conclude conjecture consider determine dwell estimate expect find frightened guess hope idea imagine impression judge learn look love mind notice plan pretend prospect qualify realise reckon recognize remember seem sensible suppose sure suspect terrify thought try view want wish wonder

calculation cerebration conception intellection intellect problem

aim broadcast demonstrate demonstration denote display mark offer set transform unveil

draw dream envision ideate vision visualize

angle face feature form image indication line mannerism reaction sign

Other Words Beginning with 'reflect'

reflection reflectively
