
英日翻訳講座 翻訳ダンベル
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第103回 英文読解の問題


If you ever go to Sanok, do stay at Hotel Jagiellonski. Natalia and I shared a beautiful room with hardwood floors and comfortable double beds, a huge airy window, a sofa and two ottoman chairs. The room was 160 zlotys a night, which worked out to $73, or less than $40 for each of us. Eugene's room was 130 zlotys and it looked very nice too, although of course smaller. Breakfast was included, and it was huge and yummy. And they have free wireless internet.

After breakfast, we walked up the hill to the main part of town to get some maps from the tourist bureau and also to get more money from the bank machine that worked for our cards.

Our first stop was an outdoor folk museum. This part of Poland was Ukrainian until Operation Wisla after WWII, when all of the Ukrainians in the area were deported to the Soviet Union. The folk museum displayed traditional houses and churches from that earlier era. It was interesting to see and touch artifacts that we had just read about.


a. ホテルの部屋にはベッドサイドテーブルが2つあった。
b. ホテルの2人部屋の料金は1人当たり1泊40カナダドル未満であった。
c. サノクの銀行ではカナダのカードでお金を引き出せた。
d. 「ヴィスワ作戦」ではここのウクライナ人が全員ソ連へ強制移住させられた。

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第103回 解答・解説


部屋については、"comfortable double beds, a huge airy window, a sofa and two ottoman chairs"と記述があるだけで、テーブルについての記述はありません。したがって、a.の記述は内容とは一致しません。


最後の段落に "all of the Ukrainians in the area were deported to the Soviet Union" とありますので、d. も本文中に記述があります。

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