
英日翻訳講座 翻訳ダンベル
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第92問 英語の語彙の問題

次の文章を読んで、第2文のTo put it another way: と同じ意味のものを下の4つの中からひとつ選んでください。(precipitation = 降雨量 high wind = 強風)

Generally, June through August are the warmest months, but ultimately the weather can be as variable in Alaska as it is anywhere else. To put it another way: Kodiak Island enjoys mild coastal weather patterns with moderate precipitation and occasional high winds. Average annual rainfall is 67 inches. Come prepared for sunny, hot days as well as cool rainy ones. In the summer, the long days and comfortable temperatures help to make your vacation on the Emerald Isle as enjoyable as it is beautiful.

a. In contrast,
b. In other words,
c. On the contrary,
d. Summing up:

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a. In contrast,
b. In other words,
c. On the contrary,
d. Summing up:

「言い換えると、すなわち、とりもなおさず」といった意味の慣用句です。 to put it another wayやin other wordsのほかに、namelyやthat is (to say)もあります。前に述べたことが次に述べることと内容的に等しいとき、間に差し挟む表現です。

上の例で言えば、"Generally, June through August are the warmest months, but ultimately the weather can be as variable in Alaska as it is anywhere else." が「前に述べたこと」で、"Kodiak Island enjoys mild coastal weather patterns with moderate precipitation and occasional high winds. Average annual rainfall is 67 inches. Come prepared for sunny, hot days as well as cool rainy ones." が「次に述べること」にあたるでしょう。

ちなみにa. の "in contrast" は「対照的に、それにひきかえ」、c. の "on the contrary" は「それどころか、これに反して」、d. の "summing up" は「要約すれば」といった意味です。

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